Took advantage of the quiet weather this week for an overnight cruise across the Bristol Channel to Weston super Mare and back.
Most visitors to Weston only see the town beach and pier but tucked away out of sight in the western corner of the bay is the River axe which can be entered at about half tide and has the Weston Bay YC boat moorings, their clubhouse and landing pontoon.
Locked out of Cardiff at 0900 Wednesday morning in light winds and drizzly rain,almost cancelled due to the poor visibility but this improved as the morning went on so luckilly I decided to push on. Used the outboard quite a bit as we were sailing but not quick enough to get there and enter the river.
Finally the wind picked up ,rain stopped and enjoyed a great sail for the last hour before reluctantly lowering the sails and motoring up the river at about 1230.
Spent the day lazing about and chatting to the other boat owners who were about.Then heated up a curry on my little coleman stove and walked up to the pub later for a few beers .Wobbled back to the boat and slept like a log until 0900 (unusual for me).
Tide returned about 10 ,30 then set off back with a perfect sailing breeze sun shining sea sparkling etc. So glad I didnt cancel due to the rain on the way over.
Locked back into Cardiff at 1345 having only used the motor to clear the river and get back through the Cardiff Barrage Locks.Really impressed with the Voyager now, She handled the small sea and swell very well for her size, hardly any spray or water on deck and never much weight on the helm.